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Monday, November 4, 2013

Diet and Weight Loss - Winning the Battle of the Bulge

Do you need a better plan where it comes to controlling your "middle" ground?

It's 2 p.m. and you're hungry. Where are you heading? The vending machine or the convenience store? Or, will you try to be good and hold off into you get home, only to raid the cupboards and gorge?

Winning the weight war means having a clear plan of attack, because the Battle of the Bulge starts with the foods you choose. Here are two easy to use eating plans that can help you avoid fad diets and deprivation.

First learn what and how much to eat. It isn't as complicated as you might think

Strategy one. MyPyramid (www.mypyramid.com), developed by the US government, takes a new approach. MyPyramid is not one-size-fits-all, it can be personalized. A 40 year old mom who needs to lose weight, a 45 year-old dad who has a high cholesterol and a child over the age of two in the family all can eat according to the plan. Each person simply eats a different amount from each food group.

MyPyramid's approach is grounded in whole grains, fruits and vegetables, low-fat dairy foods, lean sources of protein and healthy fats and oils. It's all about balance, variety and moderation. You choose your calorie level based on age, gender and activity level, and take it from there. It's a good way to take small steps to make lasting changes.

Strategy two. Approach healthy eating by looking at how portions fill your plate. To start, refer to The New American Plate from the American Institute for cancer research ( http://www.aicr.org). It's helpful because it's very visual. It teaches you the correct ratio, for example, of protein rich foods to whole grains to fruits and vegetables. If you follow this model at each meal, you'd have all the nutrients you need at the end of the day.

On the perfect plate, at least two thirds of the space has modest portions of vegetables, fruits, fiber rich whole grains or beans. The rest one third or less is filled with protein rich foods such as fish, poultry, meat or low-fat dairy products.

Friday, November 1, 2013

Weight Loss Technique Video

Is Green Tea Extract Effective for Weight Loss?

Diet pills have become a lucrative industry in the world today. This is because people are finding and using every means to lose the weight they have. Often times, people want to find the easiest and fastest way out of their weight problem. From Ephedrine to Guarana to Bitter Orange Peel, Americans have tried virtually every herbal ingredient out there to help them lose weight, often with dire effects. Today, many people have turned to using green tea extract for weight loss.

The newest craze

Green tea extract for weight loss is probably the newest craze to hit diet-fans out there. Ever since the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition released a study on the effects of green tea extract on weight loss, many companies have begun making their own green tea supplement in the form of pills, patches, and even drinks. However, how effective are these extracts and supplements compared to the real deal?

Understanding green tea

Before taking a closer look at these supplements, it is best to understand what green tea does for weight loss. According to scientists, green tea contains valuable nutrients that:

Help boost metabolism

Help decrease appetite

Increase fat absorption

Lower blood sugar levels

Decrease cancer risks

Talk about a miracle product, right? This is due to the fact that green tea contains caffeine and anti-oxidants that help in weight loss and other benefits.

The truth about supplements

Most green tea supplements contain just green tea extract for weight loss, mixed with other ingredients. These supplements are not purely green tea. This is something that consumers should be careful.

In buying these supplements, you have to fully understand and know the ingredients. Do not be fooled just by seeing green tea extracts in the ingredients, but you have to know each and every ingredient that makes up that supplement. You never know, maybe one of those ingredients carries a harmful side effect that you should be aware of.

It is always best to consult with your doctor before buying of a green tea extract for weight loss.

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